Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate is an alkaline, powder-like substance, usually used in baking. However, I LOVE it in skin care! Baking soda can be helpful in managing the pH levels of the skin by neutralizing acid.
Baking soda also contains anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which can calm irritated skin, such as acne breakouts. This makes it an ideal ingredient for skin care products.
Baking soda is a wonderful exfoliator for your skin. Gentle massage with a baking soda paste helps shrink the size of your pores, by lifting trapped dirt and oil from the pores while sloughing off dead skin cells.
However, baking soda in its original form, straight from the grocery store, can be a bit too hard on the skin. In order to use baking soda you must combine it with a gentle substance, such as water or aloe, before you apply it to your face.
If you want to see first hand the benefits of baking soda – mix a little baking soda with coconut oil and add a few drops of aloe vera gel. Gently massage into skin and rinse thoroughly. Your skin will feel super soft afterward!
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