Most people know that sugar scrubs can be beneficial for the skin because they hydrate, moisturize and exfoliate with a mechanical type ingredient, such as sugar or salt granules. But did you also know that sugar works as a great cleanser? Sugar breaks down grime and grease. In fact, some mechanics know that adding a little sugar to their hand soap can effectively get tough grease buildup off their hands.
And for those of you that love to cook, you may find it interesting to know that a nice sugar scrub for your hands can eliminate food odors after chopping garlic, peppers, fish or onions.
One of my favorites benefits about using sugar scrubs for the hands is having my kids use them after playing outside in the dirt or anywhere really haha.
Sugar as an exfoliate can be great for the lips as well, sloughing off dead skin and giving soft, smooth lips as a result. This can be especially true in the winter season. Try this RECIPE! So try out a wonderful DIY sugar scrub this season and enjoy the benefits!
For More DIY Recipes
Check out the Beyond Beauty Book for more amazing natural skin care recipes and remedies!
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